Hollie Belle

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- Hollie's Bucket List
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About Hollie:
I think bucket lists help you realize your life's desires. The journey to accomplishing them is every bit as important as the check box.
Mission Statement:
Be the bliss you want to see in the world.
Enlightenment Progress (12/74)
Quick Find:
people (42)
"Everyone else up north seems to be really really ridiculously good at this sport...I need to still try it!"
meet and do something with someone off sharebuckets website
"I'm meeting a lot of cool people already -in person would be even better."
people (2)
people (4)
Completed on 07/24/2010
"nothing like pure nerves and unknown expectations!"
people (15)
Design a Shoe and have it created
people (1)
Completed on 02/14/2012
"It just seemed like the right thing to do. More people love us than we realize - spread some of that love."
people (1)
people (1)
Completed on 05/19/2007
people (9)
Completed on 02/11/2012
"It was a cold day in Rochester, MN -16 degrees Farenheit - we plunged with over 1000 other people, raising more than $135,000 in our site"
photos (1)
people (3)
witnesses (1)
"I commonly argue the merits of both sides before the argument normally even takes place...I think having the grace to not win an argument would be muc ...read more"
people (144)
Watch every episode of The Golden Girls
people (1)
Learn to change the oil in my car
people (2)
"Words are so powerful; but I never have time to write on my fists before a fight. :P"
"Having taken a college bowling course with a league bowler & a pot smoker who could spin words...I must have something to offer this sport."
people (4)
people (3)
people (1)
take all my nieces and nephews for a weekend before they turn 18
Make a life altering decision on a dice roll
people (12)
Make a secret hiding spot in a book
people (8)
people (5)
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Lose more money than you can afford at roulette in Vegas
people (1)
people (3)
"will consider a bobcat an equal choice"
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people (5)
Visit Target Stadium and watch the Twins
Completed on 08/20/2011
"Went with Jen Winkler and we saw the Yankees pound the twins on a beautiful summer day!"
Experience the great wall of china & the terra cotta warriors
Cook every recipe in a cook book
people (8)
Completed on 12/26/2011
"Bret Michaels played a local bar in Rochester, MN & I got to experience it firsthand & thus fulfilling the opportunity to see him play live and be clo ...read more"
photos (1)
Completed on 05/26/2006
"It was completely exhilarating to be in the ocean swimming among sea turtles. As a protected species, you aren't allowed to touch them, but wow they a ...read more"
people (6)
Completed on 03/15/2003
"This was a presentation on my senior seminar -a historiography on the life of Billy Graham"
people (2)
people (10)
Experience the price is right -bob barker style
Completed on 03/13/2006
"I watched Bob Barker all the time with my "little" grandma and I had always hoped to see him and the show before he retired. My parents traveled with ...read more"
Completed on 05/08/2004
"I did this with one of my best friend's Jen Rian - after our first year as secondary teachers."
people (2)
Social - Complete a 2000 piece Jig Saw Puzzle
people (1)
Get in a taxi, pick a random cab and say "follow that taxi" and go where the strangers go (to do)
people (1)
people (4)
Make someone pee their pants from laughing
people (2)
get a new mattress.. an expensive and ridiculously comfortable mattress
people (1)
people (2)
Yell "For Narnia" on an amusement park ride
"it's a cute and funny idea & I'm not borrowing it from Michaela Mandujano"
people (2)
people (10)
Celebrate Mardi Gras in New Orleans
people (141)
Throw someone a surprise party
Completed on 02/06/2002
"I got a bunch of family to travel to Grand Forks, ND, to surprise my sister Kim for her 25th birthday - she had no idea! :D"
people (2)
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Completed on 10/10/2011
"This is more of something I hope to do every year for the rest of my life -happy bucket listing!"
people (5)
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people (32)
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people (49)
people (70)
people (82)
people (137)
people (227)
"I decided to address my anonymous valentine to "YOU" and left it in a common area where I work. Hopefully it is read and cherished as much fun as sending it myself :)"

"It just seemed like the right thing to do. More people love us than we realize - spread some of that love."

"Not only a witness, but a co-conspirator!"
"So glad to have shared this experience with you & none of it would have been possible without sharebuckets!"

"Farmers market/ the Grove Legacy tour. Decided to bounce and head to lacma and the tar pits."

"Farmers market/ the Grove Legacy tour. Decided to bounce and head to lacma and the tar pits."

"Huntington library and botanical garden. Nice surprise"

"Need to use corn flakes next time. Granola meh 😕 "
"Thank you for posting this on your Facebook! I think it's such an awesome thing! :)" - over a year ago