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truffles's Latest Activity
truffles chocolate added Memorize all the countries of the world to his bucket list. - over a year ago
truffles chocolate added Drink coffee to his bucket list. - over a year ago

"black, any color, whatever, a whole cup!"

truffles chocolate added Dye hair a different color to his bucket list. - over a year ago

"blonde? aeauheuaheuaheuaheuah"

truffles chocolate added Eat chickenjoy to his bucket list. - over a year ago
truffles chocolate added Get ear pierced to his bucket list. - over a year ago

comments (1)


Live Stream for truffles
Missy Muyot says - over a year ago


Missy Muyot added Donate Blood to her bucket list from Tuesday Menzies - over a year ago


Missy Muyot added Take up a Marital Art to her bucket list from Tuesday Menzies - over a year ago

"Kendo! or something. :)"

Missy Muyot added Sleep under the stars to her bucket list from Shannon Lynn - over a year ago
Missy Muyot added Ride a roller coaster to her bucket list from Shannon Lynn - over a year ago
Missy Muyot added Visit the Great Wall of China to her bucket list from Shannon Lynn - over a year ago
Missy Muyot added Go on a random unplanned road trip to her bucket list from Bea Helene Tan - over a year ago


Missy Muyot is now friends with Bea Helene Tan. - over a year ago
Missy Muyot completed Envisoc Exec Council Completion. - over a year ago

"Hurray! Envisoc!"

Missy Muyot completed FOP Success. - over a year ago
Missy Muyot completed Buy Snacks for the FOP. - over a year ago



Missy Muyot added Have Pretty Flowers on the Table by the Window to her bucket list. - over a year ago

"I like staring at objects when I think. "

Missy Muyot added Make People Extremely Happy to her bucket list. - over a year ago
Missy Muyot added Stop Being Fat to her bucket list. - over a year ago

":p "

Missy Muyot added Have a Special Person Sing a Cheesy Song for Me to her bucket list. - over a year ago

"like Ryan Cabrera's True. TEEHEE. Kilig much. <3 "

Missy Muyot added Finalize ALL details for the FOP to her bucket list. - over a year ago


Missy Muyot added Eat Ravioli to her bucket list. - over a year ago
Missy Muyot added Vacation to her bucket list. - over a year ago

"A real one without anyone bugging me the whole time. "

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