Trina B

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About Trina:
Hi, I'm from Florida but I live in Japan. I'm a tattoo apprentice, an equality activist, and a travel addict. My favorite colour is clear.
Mission Statement:
If life has a purpose, I think that purpose is to live. Not just to breathe, but to experience and understand one's self and the relationship between more
Enlightenment Progress (0/26)
Quick Find:
Travel to 20 different countries
people (2)
Do volunteer work in a third world country
people (46)
Crush grapes in a vineyard with my feet
people (55)
people (106)
Throw a dart on a map and travel there
people (86)
people (12)
bungee jump from a hot air balloon
"omg i didn:t even know that could be done!! I must try it!"
people (3)
people (73)
72. go to gay pride in San Francisco, LA, London and New York
people (1)
people (26)
people (148)
celebrate in D.C. on the day marriage equality becomes federal
people (1)
people (162)
people (159)
people (201)
people (224)
people (227)
"omg i didn:t even know that could be done!! I must try it!"