reyna cadwell

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About reyna:
I am fun,creative,energetic,geniune,random,and spontatous:)
Enlightenment Progress (0/15)
Quick Find:
"Be bold!"
kiss someone on a ferris wheel
"Sooooo romantic:)"
"With a full moon:)"
people (1)
"It will be alot of fun:)"
"Meet someone cute:)"
Go on a random unplanned road trip
"Take a chance in life:)"
people (94)
"Face my fear:)"
people (15)
"Feeel the anticpation of getting caught. Being sneaky:)"
people (4)
Have a romantic ride on a horse drawn carriage
"My fairytale date:)"
people (6)
"Exspress myself:)"
people (276)
Throw a dart on a map and travel there
"Just go with the moment:)"
people (86)
"To be active:)"
"Pass time and see if we get caught:)"
"To feel free and light as air! "
people (48)
"Sooooo romantic:)"

"Over the past six months I have bought books to fill up my library. I now have a couple hundred books. They includes: fitness, biography's, cookbooks, fiction, graphic novels, and poetry. There is a b more"
"I have a big Hecs debt that I need to pay off unfortunately."

"Made the dough on Christmas eve and let it set overnight like the instruction said. The dough tasted really nice. Christmas day came I baked the cookies and decorated them. Then I tried the first one more"

"Made the dough on Christmas eve and let it set overnight like the instruction said. The dough tasted really nice. Christmas day came I baked the cookies and decorated them. Then I tried the first one more"

"Found one I really liked at the Perth Tattoo Expo and I got it done. I'm really happy with my choice."

"it's usually one of the highlights of my trips ;)"

"an amazing and immense maze of a museum :D"