Victoria Clarke

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Completed on 01/16/2013
"I've been trying to whistle ever since I was little, so you don't realize how happy this made me xD"
people (3)
people (1)
people (26)
Completed on 09/15/2012
"With parents and brother. Getting to the top was exhausting (And scary, my fear of heights kinda got in the way)"
people (49)
people (110)
Completed on 05/29/2013
"I now own over 100 books. (And I keep buying more oops)"
Completed on 08/25/2012
"In Poland, courtesy of my uncle and auntie."
people (6)
people (16)
people (7)
people (138)
people (5)
people (3)
people (31)
people (5)
people (9)
people (8)
Take a stranger out for dinner
people (1)
people (9)
people (3)
people (2)
people (1)
people (1)
Read every book my favourite author has written
people (1)
people (26)
people (1)
people (20)
people (1)
people (10)
Visit the leaning tower of Pisa
people (11)
Find a four leaf clover and destroy it, Alaska style
"(Looking For Alaska, that is)"
Pay for a stranger's groceries
people (2)
people (15)
people (1)
people (3)
people (6)
people (5)
people (1)
people (1)
people (84)
people (65)
Completed on 12/11/2013
"Managed to talk my friend out of suicide."
people (55)
Become a professional photographer
people (1)
people (23)
people (6)
people (5)
Completed on 04/02/2013
"It's been dyed Blue, Green and Red."
people (3)
people (201)
people (4)
people (1)
people (1)
Completed on 10/26/2013
"The ironic thing is, I ended up taking it out and the hole's now gone."
people (4)
people (137)
people (82)
Go on a no-budget shopping spree
people (5)
people (8)
people (87)
people (6)
people (259)
people (4)
people (89)
people (27)
See my favourite music artist in concert
Completed on 03/23/2013
"One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer <3"
people (30)
people (1)
Completed on 11/14/2012
"Nathan Sykes c:"
people (28)
Leave a letter in a library book
people (67)
people (6)
Make out in the back-seat of a car
people (1)
people (1)
List 20 things I like about someone. Give the list to that person and make their day
people (2)

"I now own over 100 books. (And I keep buying more oops)"

"I've been trying to whistle ever since I was little, so you don't realize how happy this made me xD"

"Over the past six months I have bought books to fill up my library. I now have a couple hundred books. They includes: fitness, biography's, cookbooks, fiction, graphic novels, and poetry. There is a b more"
"I have a big Hecs debt that I need to pay off unfortunately."

"Made the dough on Christmas eve and let it set overnight like the instruction said. The dough tasted really nice. Christmas day came I baked the cookies and decorated them. Then I tried the first one more"

"Made the dough on Christmas eve and let it set overnight like the instruction said. The dough tasted really nice. Christmas day came I baked the cookies and decorated them. Then I tried the first one more"

"Found one I really liked at the Perth Tattoo Expo and I got it done. I'm really happy with my choice."