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Frieda's Latest Activity
Frieda Schowalter completed Have a paint fight. - over a year ago
Frieda Schowalter added Have a paint fight to her bucket list from Zoe Renee - over a year ago
Frieda Schowalter added Watch a broadway/musical in New York City to her bucket list from Amber Donaldson - over a year ago
Frieda Schowalter added Tie dye to her bucket list from Amber Donaldson - over a year ago
Frieda Schowalter added Go on an unplanned road trip to her bucket list from Amber Donaldson - over a year ago


Live Stream for Frieda
Emme Schowalter added See a total solar eclipse to her bucket list from Susan F - over a year ago
Emme Schowalter added Get lost in a city to her bucket list. - over a year ago
Emme Schowalter added Visit/live on a commune to her bucket list. - over a year ago
Emme Schowalter completed Dance In the Rain. - over a year ago

"I have done this every year without fail, and I had to put it here because it is so much fun."

Emme Schowalter added Dance In the Rain to her bucket list. - over a year ago
Emme Schowalter added Finish a sketchbook to her bucket list. - over a year ago
Emme Schowalter added Finish a new coloring book to her bucket list from Amanda Meekhof - over a year ago
Emme Schowalter added Backpack alone to her bucket list. - over a year ago
Emme Schowalter added Learn to use my nice camera to her bucket list. - over a year ago
Emme Schowalter added Go WWOOF-ing to her bucket list. - over a year ago

"WWOOF stands for World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms, and it is a wonderful way to travel on almost no money, as room and board are free."

Emme Schowalter completed Sleep under the stars. - over a year ago
Emme Schowalter added Sleep under the stars to her bucket list from Katie Miller - over a year ago
Emme Schowalter added Watch the sunrise and sunset in the same day to her bucket list from Katie Miller - over a year ago
Emme Schowalter added Dye all of my hair dark blue to her bucket list. - over a year ago
Emme Schowalter added Cut my hair really short to her bucket list. - over a year ago
Emme Schowalter added a photo to her profile. - over a year ago

This photo is not mine, but it is beautiful and I am in no way attempting credit for it.

Emme Schowalter is now friends with Taylor <3 . - over a year ago
Emme Schowalter added a photo to her profile. - over a year ago

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