Kassidy Lynn

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Enlightenment Progress (7/21)
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Attend the funeral of a person you don't know very well
Completed on 08/04/2010
"I may not have known him, but I did see him around school a lot, and I know that he was way too young and way to sweet to die. RIP, Alfredo. You'll be ...read more"
Survive wisdom teeth extraction
Completed on 07/22/2010
"I looked like a chipmunk, and I couldn't eat solid foods for a week, but I'm alive! :D lol"
"15 years, and I've still never been."
people (107)
Go skating at Rockefeller Center at Christmas time
people (1)
Completed on 07/02/2010
"Went to Bermuda. Aside from the humidity, it was amazing."
people (201)
See my high school football team FINALLY win the Battle of the Bridge
"Battle of the Bridge is an annual football game between my hometown and the town on the other side of the bridge from us. Our school hasn't won in...I ...read more"
"I just recently discovered that my hometown has a museum and it would be cool to see what's in it."
Find my best friend, Jennifer, from kindergarten
Completed on 11/07/2010
"I found her on MySpace today. She's so different from how I remember her, though. I had to go through her pictures and find one of her sister to be su ...read more"
comments (1)
Go to the top of the Empire State building
"I didn't get the chance when we went on our school trip. But, since I'm terribly afraid of heights, I'll probably shit myself. It better be worth it."
people (33)
Completed on 06/23/2010
"It was really cool, but I personally prefer San Francisco."
comments (1)
people (9)
"I'm not talking about a peck on the lips - I've done that. I'm talking about a real kiss."
"I'm going to have to eventually... considering my first car is a stick shift. O_O"
people (67)
Tie a note to a balloon and let it go
Completed on 06/23/2010
comments (1)
people (93)
Completed on 06/22/2010
people (6)
Get down to at least 130/140 lbs
"I would love to finally not feel self-conscious and fat around other people, especially guys I like."
"If only for a little while. I want to know what it feels like to live in a big city like that."
Fall in love and have him love me back
"And I mean really in love, not the "OMG, I love him/her so much! Now I am going to dump them because 'I'm not ready for a real relationship' kind of l ...read more"
Visit the Body Farm in Knoxville, TN
"I have been a forensics freak my entire fifteen years, and I really look up to Dr. Bill Bass. It would be amazing to see his creation."
Sing (solo) in front of an audience
"I've always been a singer. I've had people tell me that I have a good voice and that I should try out for solos in choir or for the talent show, but I ...read more"
"I am majorly obsessed with "CSI: NY" and am basically in love with Danny Messer (the character portrayed by Carmine Giovinazzo). Other members of the ...read more"

"I found her on MySpace today. She's so different from how I remember her, though. I had to go through her pictures and find one of her sister to be sure it was her. I'm just happy I found her. :) We'r ...read more"
"Remember that happiness is a way of travel, not a destination." -Roy Goodman

"I may not have known him, but I did see him around school a lot, and I know that he was way too young and way to sweet to die. RIP, Alfredo. You'll be missed."
"Here is my song list so far. 100 Years - Five For Fighting 3 AM - Matchbox 20 All Of Me - John Legend Apologize - One Republic Back Here - BB Mak Billionaire - Travis McCoy Break Even - The S ...read more"
"Here is my song list so far. 100 Years - Five For Fighting 3 AM - Matchbox 20 All Of Me - John Legend Apologize - One Republic Back Here - BB Mak Billionaire - Travis McCoy Break Even - The S ...read more"
"Here is my song list so far. 100 Years - Five For Fighting 3 AM - Matchbox 20 All Of Me - John Legend Apologize - One Republic Back Here - BB Mak Billionaire - Travis McCoy Break Even - The S ...read more"
"Here is my song list so far. 100 Years - Five For Fighting 3 AM - Matchbox 20 All Of Me - John Legend Apologize - One Republic Back Here - BB Mak Billionaire - Travis McCoy Break Even - The S ...read more"
"Here is my song list so far. 100 Years - Five For Fighting 3 AM - Matchbox 20 All Of Me - John Legend Apologize - One Republic Back Here - BB Mak Billionaire - Travis McCoy Break Even - The S ...read more"
"Here is my song list so far. 100 Years - Five For Fighting 3 AM - Matchbox 20 All Of Me - John Legend Apologize - One Republic Back Here - BB Mak Billionaire - Travis McCoy Break Even - The S ...read more"

"Detroit Lions!!! At Ford Field"
"Everybody has done it."
"Here is my list so far. 1 more to go!! 1. Hillcrest Golf Club (Sun City West, AZ) 2. The Highlands (Elgin, IL) 3. Aldeen Golf Club (Rockford, IL) 4. White Horse (Seattle, WA) 5. Iron Horse (Nor ...read more"
"Jamming with my daughter."
"Here is my song list so far. 100 Years - Five For Fighting 3 AM - Matchbox 20 All Of Me - John Legend Apologize - One Republic Back Here - BB Mak Billionaire - Travis McCoy Break Even - The S ...read more"
"Hi Kassidy!!! ;)" - over a year ago