Lucy's Bucket List

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Lucy's Latest Activity
Lucy Hastings added Break a Guinness World Record to her bucket list. - over a year ago

"I don't know which one but one of them. I will"

Lucy Hastings added Fall In Love to her bucket list. - over a year ago

"Doesn't everyone?"

Lucy Hastings added Get an infinity symbol tattooed on my left wrist to her bucket list. - over a year ago

"Specific but it's what I want. I'm just scared of the pain though."

Lucy Hastings added Meet One Direction to her bucket list. - over a year ago

"Those 5 boys are my life and I love them for eternity. I have to meet them. <3"


Live Stream for Lucy
Lucy Hastings added Break a Guinness World Record to her bucket list. - over a year ago

"I don't know which one but one of them. I will"

Lucy Hastings added Fall In Love to her bucket list. - over a year ago

"Doesn't everyone?"

Lucy Hastings added Get an infinity symbol tattooed on my left wrist to her bucket list. - over a year ago

"Specific but it's what I want. I'm just scared of the pain though."

Lucy Hastings added Meet One Direction to her bucket list. - over a year ago

"Those 5 boys are my life and I love them for eternity. I have to meet them. <3"

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