Kaitlyn Nesbitt

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Enlightenment Progress (0/110)
Quick Find:
Stay in the Hydropolis Underwater Lux Hotel
people (2)
people (13)
Attend the Sundance Film Festival
people (5)
people (5)
people (62)
Take a cruise around the Caribbean
people (3)
Plant a tree and watch it grow
people (5)
Go deep into the heart of Mother Nature
people (1)
Live in a different country for at least 6 months
people (5)
Become fluent in another language
people (4)
people (35)
Leave a mark on the world, give my life meaning
people (1)
people (9)
Attend a big sporting event such as the World Cup or US Open
Build a huge sand castle at the beach
people (1)
Learn how to skip pebbles on water
people (1)
See all the major museums in the world
people (1)
Travel to Ireland and Scotland
people (2)
Visit the ancient ruins of Rome
people (2)
Walked the stairs to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa
people (1)
people (2)
people (13)
people (3)
people (81)
people (18)
Celebrate Mardi Gras in New Orleans
people (141)
Go on an unplanned road trip, just grab a map and hop in the car
people (1)
people (4)
go to the airport and buy a ticket for the next flight out
people (77)
Be in New York City, Times Square on New Year's Eve
people (2)
people (49)
people (25)
Do volunteer work in a third world country
people (46)
Visit New York during Christmas Time
people (3)
people (144)
people (85)
Go to the top of the Empire State building
people (33)
people (140)
Swim in the ocean at midnight under a full moon
people (10)
people (87)
Stand out in the rain and get drenched
people (5)
Stand out of the roof of a limo
people (4)
people (2)
people (1)
Jump in a taxi cab and scream FOLLOW THAT CAR like in those movies
people (43)
Write letters to my future self, future husband, and future children
people (276)
Watch really old classic movies all day
people (1)
people (79)
people (5)
Climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower
people (4)
See the sunrise and sunset (in the same day)
people (2)
people (166)
people (162)
people (36)
people (1)
people (224)
people (1)
people (80)
people (1)
people (138)
people (3)
people (42)
people (12)
people (259)
Scuba dive off Australia's Great Barrier Reef
people (1)
Walk on the Great Wall of China
people (15)
people (39)
people (148)
people (63)
Sleep outside on a hammock all night
people (2)
Drive across America from coast to coast
people (1)
people (8)
Go to work the next day without having gone home (go dancing)
people (1)
people (22)
people (39)
people (44)
people (227)
people (31)
people (201)
Be a member of the audience of a tv show
people (3)
people (3)
people (7)
people (1)
people (14)
people (159)