Mark Sukis

Mission Statement:
Despite my mental illnesses and learning disability, I will live a happy and productive life while on this earth.
Enlightenment Progress (0/5)
"I want to experience the different European lifestyles and their cultures. "
Road Trip hitting all the contiguous states
"I will also try to hit Alaska, Hawaii may be a little difficult unless they have a ferry from California."
Learn to fluently speak Spanish
"Working for a non-profit mental health organization. It is crucial to helping a population in need."
people (94)
people (159)
"I want to experience the different European lifestyles and their cultures. "
"I will also try to hit Alaska, Hawaii may be a little difficult unless they have a ferry from California."
"Working for a non-profit mental health organization. It is crucial to helping a population in need."
"I want to experience the different European lifestyles and their cultures. "
"I will also try to hit Alaska, Hawaii may be a little difficult unless they have a ferry from California."
"Working for a non-profit mental health organization. It is crucial to helping a population in need."