Brandy Wyan

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About Brandy:
I'm in my 30s...still single...not a kid anymore...ready to start living my life differently...ready to experience things I never have before.
Brandy's Friends
Brandy's Bucket List
Enlightenment Progress (0/27)
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people (1)
people (9)
Get married to a man I truly love
people (11)
Go cliff diving/jump off of a waterfall
people (4)
people (1)
people (12)
people (1)
"I want to Take my dad there..He was stationed there in the Army."
people (14)
people (24)
people (34)
people (62)
people (26)
people (166)
people (201)
people (76)
people (201)
Celebrate Mardi Gras in New Orleans
people (141)
Celebrate New Year's Eve in Times Square
people (2)
people (110)
Go to Paris to see the Eiffel Tower
people (5)
people (107)
people (227)
people (259)
people (25)
Comments From Friends
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Brandy Wyan added
Go cliff diving/jump off of a waterfall to her bucket list from
Brianne Johnson - over a year ago
Brandy Wyan added
Go see a broadway play to her bucket list from
Stefanie Stricklin - over a year ago
Brandy Wyan added
Visit Germany to her bucket list from
Shannon Bieger - over a year ago
"I want to Take my dad there..He was stationed there in the Army."