Violetta Caine

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About Violetta:
I'm a bisexual Wiccan with some serious mental and emotional issues.
Love me? Love you, too.
Like me? I'm glad. Now what do you want?
Neither? more
Mission Statement:
I can't always live life to the fullest, but I'll do my best to make a person smile.
Enlightenment Progress (0/33)
Quick Find:
Create a 200 chapter fan fiction
"There's a 200-chapter limit when importing works over at ArchiveOfOurOwn.Org... I immediately thought of my bucket list. XP"
"Hey, a girl can dream... =3"
people (3)
"It's something I've never done, and I don't think it'll ever happen. "
people (7)
"I love writing, and being able to write beautifully appeals to me. "
people (9)
Yell "FOR NARNIA" on a ride in an amusement park
"Why -shouldn't- I? XD"
people (4)
Learn how to walk in heels without looking like an idiot
"Considering that the last time I walked in a serious pair of heels (aka higher than 1 inch), I wasn't even into double-digits, agewise. XD"
people (4)
"Because an inquiring mind wants to know... "
people (80)
"Because impracticality is just so much more fun!"
people (111)
"Because I've already gone pier-fishing in a horrible sequined dress, a sparkly turtleneck, and six-inch heels. Believe it or not, I survived. XD"
"Maybe a dessert cookbook... :D"
people (29)
Fake a proposal in a restaurant to get something ‘on the house’
"I believe a BEST friend will be needed for this... *giggles* I wonder how many scandalized looks I'll get if/when I propose to another woman... *grins more"
people (2)
"...or at least write out the basic structure for it. And yes, I started it a while back. I have this huge fear of being forgotten - let a usually more"
people (3)
Pay for a strangers meal when you leave a restaurant
"Fun, and a little daring, too. So why not?"
people (6)
"...with drug store dye, thank you very much. I want it as temporary as possible without it immediately washing out. :P (Why the heck should I stop more"
people (4)
"...with drug store dye, thank you very much. I want it as temporary as possible without it immediately washing out. :P"
people (6)
Receive a dozen long-stemmed red roses
"Because I deserve them. =) Oh, and yellow ones with red edges don't count. XD "
people (3)
Pay for a stranger's morning coffee
"Because whose day WOULDN'T be made by a thing like that?"
people (4)
Pay for the person behind me at a toll/drive through
"Because I want that person to have a great day. =)"
people (37)
Dedicate a whole day to pampering another person
"And make every minute of it count!"
people (3)
"Because how much cooler could it get! Although if some a** asks me to kiss him (or anything else along those lines), I reserve the right to refuse. XD more"
people (4)
Dance naked in the pouring rain
"...and get a cold doing it. XD"
Do 20 non-girly pushups in a row
"*hides blush of major shame* "
people (7)
Write a letter to my future self
"...because my future self seriously needs to be written-to. XD"
people (85)
Take a photo every day for a year
"Just to see if I could go that long without forgetting. XD"
comments (1)
people (87)
"...and see both sides of the city: the tourists' and the locals'. "
people (8)
"Just because I live 5 minutes away doesn't mean it wouldn't be fun... :P"
people (4)
Eat at 100 memorable restaurants
"Stolen shamelessly from Annette Renee White: The List So Far: (1/100) more"
Eat at a fancy restaurant on a beach under the stars
"...preferably with a hot date. ;)"
people (2)
"Because who wants to know who they're talking to before you actually start talking? And anyways, I'd like to see if I get fined for littering. :P"
people (201)
Celebrate Mardi Gras in New Orleans
"It just sounds like a lot of fun. =)"
people (141)
"Self explanatory, I suppose. I love shinies... :D"
people (224)
"I've just always wanted to go... "
people (85)
"I'm a nature fanatic, and Mom's always telling me how magical it is. It never fails to make me want to jump in the truck and stake out a campsite for more"
people (137)
"There's a 200-chapter limit when importing works over at ArchiveOfOurOwn.Org... I immediately thought of my bucket list. XP"
"Hey, a girl can dream... =3"
"It's something I've never done, and I don't think it'll ever happen. "
Finish the "101 in 1001" challenge.
Be able to check off at least two bucket list items.

"Over the past six months I have bought books to fill up my library. I now have a couple hundred books. They includes: fitness, biography's, cookbooks, fiction, graphic novels, and poetry. There is a b more"
"I have a big Hecs debt that I need to pay off unfortunately."

"Made the dough on Christmas eve and let it set overnight like the instruction said. The dough tasted really nice. Christmas day came I baked the cookies and decorated them. Then I tried the first one more"

"Made the dough on Christmas eve and let it set overnight like the instruction said. The dough tasted really nice. Christmas day came I baked the cookies and decorated them. Then I tried the first one more"

"Found one I really liked at the Perth Tattoo Expo and I got it done. I'm really happy with my choice."

"It's official. I love that the Australian people made this happen. Love is Love! Love Endures! Love Wins!"

"I got a promotion to a permanent team leader position in October; however I had to go on probation for a few months. On the 7th of Feb it became official and they gave me another promotion at the same more"

"I got surprised with a red rose at work. A little old man who I have been taking care of for a few months brought me a rose from his garden. It smelt really nice and was a pleasant surprise."
"Moby dick, dracular etc. All the books I could never be bothered to read when I was younger."

"I completed my Registered Nursing on 17/07/2017. I went to graduation on the 17/09/2017. My mum and dad came over from Tasmania to watch me graduate. They spent a couple days letting me show them ar more"
"They look so cool, I have to do it once"
"Maybe Antarctica or the Artic Circle."
"It would be awesome."
"Maybe something artsy. "
"Just because I have never done it."
"I have always wanted to see from the top of one."
"This would be so cool."