David Hunt

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Enlightenment Progress (18/38)
Quick Find:
Drive behind Chuck in a drive through, and get a free meal
"Apparently chuck (Charles Shurlow) frequently pays for the car behind him at drive thrus!"
comments (1)
Buy Toys: Four Wheelers/Boat/RV/Jeep
"Im adding this because I want these things, and I hope that I can make enought money someday to comforably but them before I'm too old to use them!"
"At least one. My wife and girls love them... I need to buy more land first though... I only have .5 acres now... lol."
"they sound cool, and it would give me that excuse to wear a skirt and pantyhose that I've been looking for!"
"I played for 18 years before quitting. then this year my Pastor asked me to play in church, and obligated me by buying me a Piano... so now i have to ...read more"
"did some PPG (powered paragliding) but never hang gliding. Im not sure which would be more fun, but hang gliders pick up more speed..."
people (39)
Completed on 11/11/2010
"Done. At Applebees last Christmas, I left a $100 tip for a $47 meal. The waitress cried... which made it worth it :) "
people (65)
Completed on 11/11/2010
"Done. First in Puerto Rico in 1997, then again this past July in Cozumel, Mexico."
people (63)
Completed on 11/11/2010
"Done. SO many times :) one of my favorite things to do while camping... I'll lay down with the fam in the tent, and wait till everyones asleep, then t ...read more"
people (137)
Completed on 11/11/2010
"Done. Took my wife as one "leg" of our honeymoon, which went up and down the Eastern seaboard..."
people (7)
Build an igloo and spend a night in it
Completed on 11/11/2010
"Done. First as a 10 year-old living in Connecticut. I did it again at age 22 in Misawa, Japan. We got almost 1 meter of snow that day, and the igloo w ...read more"
people (3)
people (8)
Completed on 11/11/2010
"Done. March of 2007. Began surfing every night after work, and then on the weekends at Momoishi beach in Aomori, Japan. I lost 50 lbs. that summer, ju ...read more"
people (26)
Scuba Dive the great barrier reef
Completed on 11/11/2010
"Done. And it was probably the most awesome experience ever. Close tie with the Playancar Reef off Cancun, where i swam with a Giant Sea Turtle at abou ...read more"
people (14)
Write a letter to my future self
people (85)
Visit the pyramids in Giza, Egypt
people (66)
"My wife is pretty fluent, and teaches my daughters... So I'm picking it up here and there."
people (102)
"paid off about $25000 this year. hoping to be debt free (aside from the mortgage) by September 2011. that means about $25000 more to go!"
people (94)
Completed on 11/11/2010
"Done. Returning from Baghdad, Iraq in 2008, US Airways upgraded me to First Class for free from Chicago to Seattle, as a thank you for serving. It was ...read more"
people (162)
Completed on 11/11/2010
"Done. The Chopper ride from hell. Had Iraqi insurgents firing rockets at us flying from one area of Baghdad back to BIAP. Thank God for well trained P ...read more"
people (103)
Completed on 11/11/2010
"Done. When I was a kid... I dont remember when, but I do remember riding the Maid of the Mist and wearing Smurf coats:)"
people (85)
Completed on 11/11/2010
"Done. New Years 2009. Just returned from Iraq. Amanda thought i was going to crush my daughter to death when the fireworks started popping. Explosions ...read more"
people (107)
Completed on 11/11/2010
"Done. Tried to do this at just about every waterfall Ive encountered while hiking or whatever. Lots of waterfalls in the area of Japan I was in had li ...read more"
people (126)
Completed on 11/11/2010
"Done. Only done this while in the military. Fun Fact: Military can only donate for military, and military can only get blood donated by military... Th ...read more"
people (140)
Completed on 11/11/2010
"Done. Many times. It kind of gets old after a while..."
people (148)
"Ive been to 49 states, Puerto Rico, and Guam. Im only missing HAWAII!!!! Vacation anyone?"
people (166)
Completed on 11/11/2010
"Done. Did this at a fair one time. The elephant smelled bad. From now on, at fairs, "elephant ears" is as close as I'll get..."
people (138)
people (224)
Completed on 11/11/2010
"Done. 3 July 2006. Married my Best friend after 1.5 years engaged and 6 months of dating. Not many can say this, but we were both virgins till that da ...read more"
people (193)
people (227)
people (201)
people (68)
Completed on 11/11/2010
"Done. Want to do some more of it. One time in college went with my cousin. Really would like the military to send me to jump school..."
people (96)
people (201)
people (3)
"Been once, but wont mark complete. I only stopped there on my way to Iraq in 2008. No sights seen, just a drink and quick look out the door of the air ...read more"
people (65)
people (138)
Completed on 11/11/2010
"Done. There is a place right next door to the Cozumel Palace in Cozumel Mexico that lets you swim with dolphins, ride them, kiss them, hold them, etc. ...read more"
people (259)

"Over the past six months I have bought books to fill up my library. I now have a couple hundred books. They includes: fitness, biography's, cookbooks, fiction, graphic novels, and poetry. There is a b ...read more"
"I have a big Hecs debt that I need to pay off unfortunately."

"Made the dough on Christmas eve and let it set overnight like the instruction said. The dough tasted really nice. Christmas day came I baked the cookies and decorated them. Then I tried the first one ...read more"

"Made the dough on Christmas eve and let it set overnight like the instruction said. The dough tasted really nice. Christmas day came I baked the cookies and decorated them. Then I tried the first one ...read more"

"Found one I really liked at the Perth Tattoo Expo and I got it done. I'm really happy with my choice."

"It's official. I love that the Australian people made this happen. Love is Love! Love Endures! Love Wins!"

"I got a promotion to a permanent team leader position in October; however I had to go on probation for a few months. On the 7th of Feb it became official and they gave me another promotion at the same ...read more"

"I got surprised with a red rose at work. A little old man who I have been taking care of for a few months brought me a rose from his garden. It smelt really nice and was a pleasant surprise."
"Moby dick, dracular etc. All the books I could never be bothered to read when I was younger."

"I completed my Registered Nursing on 17/07/2017. I went to graduation on the 17/09/2017. My mum and dad came over from Tasmania to watch me graduate. They spent a couple days letting me show them ar ...read more"
"They look so cool, I have to do it once"
"Maybe Antarctica or the Artic Circle."
"It would be awesome."
"Maybe something artsy. "
"Just because I have never done it."
"I have always wanted to see from the top of one."
"This would be so cool."