Kelly Davis

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Kelly's Bucket List
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"kids book and/or DIY ideas"
people (137)
people (6)
"Own a potters wheel, woodworking, stained glass..."
people (9)
Design and build our dream house
"The modern day castle :)"
people (39)
people (3)
people (1)
"A modern day castle"
people (1)
people (4)
Build a Habitat for Humanity Home
people (32)
Pay for the person behind me at a toll/drive through
people (37)
people (107)
people (18)
people (38)
people (227)
people (6)
Comments From Friends
Kelly's Latest Activity
Kelly Davis added
Be a great wife and mom (and daughter/sister/aunt...) to her bucket list. - over a year ago
Live Stream for Kelly
Kelly Davis added
Be a great wife and mom (and daughter/sister/aunt...) to her bucket list. - over a year ago
Kelly Davis added
Be an artist to her bucket list. - over a year ago
"Own a potters wheel, woodworking, stained glass..."
Kelly Davis added
Design and build our dream house to her bucket list. - over a year ago
"The modern day castle :)"
Kelly Davis added
Design my dream home to her bucket list from
Stephanie G - over a year ago
"A modern day castle"