Brittany's Bucket List

Enlightenment Progress (4/27)



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Brittany's Latest Activity
Brittany Ghabrial is now friends with Sophie Della. - over a year ago
Brittany Ghabrial added Learn another language to her bucket list from Zoe Newman - over a year ago

"i want to do this with someone who can't speak English. We could teach each other"

Brittany Ghabrial added Spend one year volunteering in an orphanage in a third world country to her bucket list. - over a year ago

"i would love to change just one childs life"

Brittany Ghabrial added Visit a lifesize maze to her bucket list from Gemma Provan - over a year ago

"with my favourite people"

Brittany Ghabrial added Leave a 100% tip to her bucket list from Katie T. - over a year ago


Live Stream for Brittany
Bethany Seddon completed Enter a Cheese Rolling contest. - over a year ago

"Christmas day 2014"

Bethany Seddon completed Watch Forest Gump. - over a year ago
Bethany Seddon completed Get my P's. - over a year ago
Bethany Seddon completed Take a gap year. - over a year ago
Bethany Seddon completed Purchase a MacBook. - over a year ago
Bethany Seddon completed Wath Avatar. - over a year ago
Bethany Seddon completed Own a snazzy camera. - over a year ago
Bethany Seddon completed Own a record player + records. - over a year ago
Bethany Seddon completed Go snorkelling or scuba diving. - over a year ago
Bethany Seddon completed Go on a road trip. - over a year ago
Bethany Seddon completed Watch sunset over the sea. - over a year ago
Bethany Seddon completed Sing and dance in the rain. - over a year ago

"Did this with britt and beck on the exact moment I turned 18 :) (to Britney songs) :)"

Bethany Seddon completed Ride an elephant. - over a year ago
Lucy Gardoll completed Fire A Gun. - over a year ago

"Double guns with Caitlin in Vietnam"

Sophie Della added Witness the sunrise in Machu Picchu to her bucket list from Brittany Ghabrial - over a year ago

"Words can't even describe how much I want to do this"

Sophie Della added Go to the top of the Empire State building to her bucket list. - over a year ago
Sophie Della added Throw a dart on a map and travel there to her bucket list. - over a year ago

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