Matt Halter

About Matt:
I am very outgoing and love to win.
Mission Statement:
He who hesitates is lost
Enlightenment Progress (9/56)
Quick Find:
Completed on 04/08/2011
"2011 Virginia Beach National High School Wtrestling Tournament"
to sucessfully order and recieve 100 McDoubles from McDonalds
To pass a vehicle while driving a tractor
Completed on 09/16/2011
"THis summer i passed another tractor driving down the road. and yes it was my red tractor that passed the green one"
comments (1)
To stand on top of a mountain and yodel
people (1)
To make love on a train, while going through a long dark tunnel
To attempt to be friends with "the new kid."
Completed on 12/21/2010
"First semester this year kid from Texas, who is now in Montanna"
Carve my name into a tree and find it years later
people (7)
people (9)
Completed on 12/20/2010
"Live on a farm easy one "
people (87)
Pay for the person behind us in a drive thru
people (1)
Get kissed under the mistletoe
people (1)
To golf a score of par on a course Tiger Woors would play on
Completed on 12/20/2010
"2010 for a new tv, 4am "
people (1)
To randomly start dancing for no reason at all
Completed on 12/21/2010
"In my strength training class when we turned the music on"
To hit something from piont blank range with my potato launcher
To win a piontless competition
Completed on 09/16/2011
"Just beat a basketball player in a 3-point contest. Heck yeah"
To attempt 8 seconds on a bucking bull
people (1)
To have a picture of me sitting on/beside the Lincoln Monument
people (2)
To thororghly read the entire newspaper for a week straight
Completed on 04/19/2012
to help someone finish their bucket list
Completed on 12/20/2010
"I helped my friend Tyler Carver in finishing his."


"Just beat a basketball player in a 3-point contest. Heck yeah"

"THis summer i passed another tractor driving down the road. and yes it was my red tractor that passed the green one"

"Farmers market/ the Grove Legacy tour. Decided to bounce and head to lacma and the tar pits."

"Farmers market/ the Grove Legacy tour. Decided to bounce and head to lacma and the tar pits."

"Huntington library and botanical garden. Nice surprise"

"Need to use corn flakes next time. Granola meh 😕 "