Josie Nada

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About Josie:
I am 13
Enlightenment Progress (21/114)
Quick Find:
people (102)
Completed on 06/04/2013
Completed on 08/06/2011
"got a surprise going-away party:)"
people (1)
"an adventure resort; seems like fun!"
"A village of igloos in Switzerland"
people (11)
Go to Genting- City of Entertainment
"Located in Malaysia, it's the largest resort in the world."
Spend a whole day reading a great novel
people (6)
people (1)
"i did this when i was 3 at a zoo, but i want to do it again so i can remember it!"
people (138)
Have a cupcake from Georgetown Cupcake
"I love DC Cupcakes! :)"
people (137)
Help build a Habitat for Humanity home
people (3)
people (3)
Post a video on youtube that gets more than 10,000 views
people (3)
people (31)
people (32)
Play hot potato with a real potato
people (1)
people (2)
Know someone before they get famous
people (8)
Read the whole Pretty Little Liars Series
"I love this TV show!"
people (1)
people (2)
Completed on 01/21/2012
people (1)
Make a wish on 11/11/11 at 11:11
Completed on 11/11/2011
people (1)
Cook Every Meal In A (Vegetarian) Cookbook
"... i am a vegetarian"
Capture lightning in a photograph
people (38)
Completed on 01/21/2012
people (4)
Write A Letter And Leave It In A Book
people (8)
people (40)
people (3)
Completed on 03/06/2011
"Saw Swan Lake at the Pennsylvania Ballet"
people (7)
Make a life altering decision on a dice roll
people (12)
people (6)
Bake Cookies and leave them on someone's doorstep
"cute :)"
people (2)
Completed on 04/25/2011
"fun, but HOT!"
people (20)
people (1)
people (1)
Keep my room clean for at least a month
"It would be kind of nice to have a clean room for awhile..."
Ice Skate at Rockefeller Center
people (6)
Completed on 08/15/2016
people (4)
Read 15 books by Nicholas Sparks
"[ 1/15 ] So far... -Dear John"
comments (1)
people (2)
people (5)
Buy every box of cookies from a child selling them outside a store
"I love this idea :)"
people (1)
"Never done this before!"
people (1)
people (5)
Write a letter for myself to read on my 18th birthday
Completed on 12/30/2010
"written, sealed, tacked onto the wall. not to be open until i am 18 :)"
people (4)
Get a Pizza, Cut it right in half and eat it like that
people (3)
Completed on 01/29/2012
people (5)
people (37)
people (3)
people (20)
people (1)
Completed on 08/11/2014
people (3)
people (10)
people (67)
Go to a Habatchi-style restaurant with friends
Completed on 03/10/2012
"sarah's 15th birthday"
Completed on 11/23/2009
Surprise someone with a present :)
Completed on 02/29/2016
people (1)
Completed on 08/28/2016
people (9)
Completed on 04/04/2011
"lol not a big accomplishment!!"
people (2)
people (1)
Be accepted into the high school I'm applying to :)
Completed on 03/14/2011
"I haven't been to one since I was a toddler..."
people (4)
"Who wouldn't want to?"
people (7)
people (15)
people (13)
people (1)
"It seems like it would be so fun :)"
people (71)
Go to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
people (6)
"I've always wanted to see it"
people (1)
people (27)
Write Letter to friend to read in the future
Completed on 12/28/2010
"Haha I wrote a letter to my friend today. I plan on sending it in the middle of the school year, next year."
people (1)
Completed on 03/05/2011
"It was on TV last night so I recorded it and watched it today!"
people (1)
people (65)
people (5)
Take a Vow of Silence for 1 whole day
people (6)
people (3)
See the HOLLYWOOD sign in California
people (54)
Send a postcard to Post Secret
people (33)
go to the airport and buy a ticket for the next flight out
people (77)
people (89)
people (166)
people (201)
people (259)
people (14)
people (2)
people (1)
people (2)
Completed on 01/21/2012
people (36)
Go to a midnight premiere of a movie
people (6)
Completed on 09/02/2010
"On my friend Rachel's trampoline"
people (9)
people (8)
people (6)
people (25)

"Farmers market/ the Grove Legacy tour. Decided to bounce and head to lacma and the tar pits."

"Farmers market/ the Grove Legacy tour. Decided to bounce and head to lacma and the tar pits."

"Huntington library and botanical garden. Nice surprise"

"Need to use corn flakes next time. Granola meh 😕 "