adrienne woodall

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Enlightenment Progress (6/84)
Quick Find:
have a fireworks night for no other reason than to watch them out in the skies
people (1)
people (5)
Crush grapes in a vineyard with my feet
people (55)
people (5)
people (30)
people (25)
Pose for and submit a NOH8 photo
people (1)
people (1)
people (2)
people (71)
people (4)
people (1)
people (6)
people (17)
Join a social etiquette class and further refine your mannerism
people (1)
people (2)
7) play hide and go seek in IKEA
people (1)
TRY to break a Guniess World Record
people (1)
Completed on 04/12/2011
people (1)
Go to a midnight premiere of a movie
people (6)
Say Yes To Everything For One Week
people (3)
Write A Letter And Leave It In A Book
people (8)
Write a letter to my future self
Completed on 01/17/2011
"it was fun and i cant wait until i get to read it again"
people (85)
people (3)
Tie a note to a balloon and let it go
people (93)
have a reading done by a psychic, fortune teller or palm reader
people (36)
attend at least one major sporting event
"super bowl, olympics"
people (95)
people (12)
Completed on 08/30/2013
people (162)
Completed on 05/22/2014
people (10)
people (51)
people (6)
Completed on 07/06/2011
people (276)
people (201)
people (2)
go horse back riding on a beach
people (1)
people (2)
people (1)
people (110)
people (10)
people (84)
people (5)
people (1)
people (17)
people (2)
people (4)
people (6)
people (65)
people (2)
people (1)
people (1)
people (2)
people (2)
write a letter to someone who has inspired me
people (3)
people (27)
people (1)
people (23)
people (224)
people (1)
people (1)
"las vegas"
people (1)
get a french manicure in france
people (1)
buy a homeless person/family lunch
"i would like to do more"
people (6)
Completed on 06/17/2012
people (94)
people (3)
people (7)
people (193)
people (1)

"Farmers market/ the Grove Legacy tour. Decided to bounce and head to lacma and the tar pits."

"Farmers market/ the Grove Legacy tour. Decided to bounce and head to lacma and the tar pits."

"Huntington library and botanical garden. Nice surprise"

"Need to use corn flakes next time. Granola meh 😕 "