Janell Brockaway

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About Janell:
Once I got Trespassed from our local D.I. (Thrift Store) and thrown in Jail. I was new to town and had no furniture in my house to sit on. So after mo ...read more
Mission Statement:
Lighten Up! Live life more Simply. Love Unconditionally.
Enlightenment Progress (6/61)
Quick Find:
people (1)
"Canoodle with Bagfuls of Treats! "http://www.ivillage.com/6-top-candy-trends-2010/3-a-189962?ftr=iv:netvibes:food&obref=obnetwork""
"After several years I've finally decided on a "New Last Name" and it's not a color. :D Any last minute name suggestions?"
people (2)
"Lose 50# by age 50. Yikes, that only gives me a year!"
"With my Dad. My Mom has passed and this is where they went on their Honeymoon long ago."
people (85)
"I'm going part time so it's gonna be awhile."
people (94)
people (36)
Take a car I can't afford for a test drive
"** Dream Car ** -- ZAP Alias Electric Car -- $38,500, Reservation Only: $1,000, 0-60: 7.8 s ...read more"
photos (1)
people (2)
"7 days without TV makes one week."
photos (1)
comments (1)
people (7)
Renew or Develop five great friendships
people (1)
"Or even walk!"
people (43)
Capture lightning in a photograph
people (38)
Visit Yellowstone National Park
"See "Old Faithful" "
people (13)
people (3)
Find someone else with the same bucket list item as me and complete it together
people (9)
"Top of my list! Would like to compete at least once."
people (6)
"Sea Floats in Washington"
people (6)
Build a Habitat for Humanity Home
people (32)
people (4)
Catch a snowflake with my tounge
people (1)
Witness the migration of the Monarch Butterflies
"to Mexico"
people (3)
See Chicken "Run around with it's head off"
"Like Mom always said."
people (1)
Completed on 02/28/2011
"not ready to post the address yet!"
people (12)
Make Peace with someone I didn't like in the past
people (2)
"Shout out to Chan Fan!"
Pray for others and give daily Gratitude
"30 days in a row"
Live charitably in the present
"Full of love for and goodwill towards others. Wow, that's a big one, may take awhile."
Completed on 02/22/2011
"Hmmmm, does that count????"
people (71)
Completed on 02/22/2011
"By personal invitation at Universal Studios!"
people (8)
"I've given blood before but would like to make it a regular event. "
people (140)
Completed on 02/22/2011
"Honeymoon in Mexico, that was the best part!"
people (81)
"Take my Auntie there and find my Jess ancestors."
people (65)
"Especially pay off those pesky student loans."
people (94)
"Weigh less than 10 Stones so I can complete my bucket list. Lap Band perhaps???"
people (25)
"Wanted to do this since I was 13."
people (39)
Completed on 02/22/2011
"Rode the "Bull" on Snake River with family. Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Scary but Amazing!"
people (148)
Completed on 02/22/2011
"Park City, Utah....Awesome!"
people (227)

"Farmers market/ the Grove Legacy tour. Decided to bounce and head to lacma and the tar pits."

"Farmers market/ the Grove Legacy tour. Decided to bounce and head to lacma and the tar pits."

"Huntington library and botanical garden. Nice surprise"

"Need to use corn flakes next time. Granola meh 😕 "