About C:
I believe that the only way to live a truly fulfilling life is to chase an ever changing horizon. People without dreams aren't living, only existing. ...read more

Mission Statement:
Complete my bucket list or die trying

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Bucket List Item Information

Write a letter to my future self

"A letter to be opened on my 50th Birthday (assuming I get that far)"

Completed on 09/24/2010

"The letter is stored away, wax-sealed and has wriiten upon it strict instruction not to be opened until 10/01/35 (my 50th birthday) OR in the event of my untimely death...I suspect the latter."

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Who Else Has This On Their Bucket List

jennifer h

we all should do this

Katie T.

I'll probably do this again sometime soon...it was soo fun & ...more

Rebecca Gallagher

Took a while but finally did it!

Lexi Brown

i'll remember how weired i was.

Fae Yakof

When I received this, I completely forgot all about it! It w ...more

j nadonza

Thought provoking. Thought of family, health, work, lifestyl ...more


<< View All 86 People That Have This On Their List >>



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