Nathaniel Long

Nathaniel Long


About Nathaniel:
I live to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am a Southern Baptist. I enjoy working in a variety of services, and have taught morality and dialect more

Mission Statement:
I live to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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Bucket List Item Information

6. Take 4 tests and pass my first seminary course

"This is actually a fairly easy set of tests, according to my advisor, but I failed it in the spring semester of 2009, without actually getting an opportunity to view the tests, just a mix-up on my online availability, which upset my wife. I am trying it again, and though it is somewhat trivial to the average person (passing a simple college course); in the face of the adversity I have now, it would be a major milestone for me, and lend much greater weight to the argument that I indeed belong in a seminary. My adversity includes struggling to help my wife get up to speed on her English so she can adapt to American life when we move there next February, and being the sole bread winner cum primary childcare provider to five children, who really demand my attention, as well as studying computer science to mollify the fears of my wife that I would never earn enough money for us by merely preaching. She wants her husband to be a bi-vocational preacher at the least. Thanks to Ephesians 5:26, I can only say, "So be it. I will do my best." So, my seminary study tends to get short shrift. I just want to pass. We'll see. Two tests are due by 15th of October. This is about MY Primary Dream. And I guess that is what a bucket list is for."

Completed on 12/08/2010

"I finished that course, in the history of the Cooperative Program of the Southern Baptist Convention. It was only pass/fail, and I passed. However, it made me feel good to get that behind me, and be on my way with seminary courses. I have completed four other courses since then: hermeneutics, Introduction to Ethics, Christians Ethics of Sex, and Christian Ethics of War and Peace."

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