Amy Kruse

Amy Kruse


Mission Statement:
I'm going to live my life to the fullest.

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Amy's Friends
Bucket List Item Information

Pay for the person behind me at a toll booth

"random acts of kindness can make a persons whole day turn around"

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Stay in love with with the person I will marry for the rest of my life  -  05/29/10 (Angel Reyes)

See a stage of the Tour de France in person  -  08/09/13 (Nicole M)

Find a missing person - (3) people

Buy a homeless person a meal + clothing - (2) people

Pay the toll/ferry/parks fee for the person behind me  -  01/19/11 (Misty Hawes-Owen)

Go through a toll & pay for the car behind  -  03/10/11 (Zimzala )

✔Go to Grammy Awards in Person  -  01/28/20 (Corinne ~)

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