Stephanie G

Stephanie G


About Stephanie:
I'm a storyteller and a dreamer, I like creating things, writing, taking photos, making plans etc. I want to live a fairytale life but reality is very more

Mission Statement:
The only limits are the ones you put on yourself.

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Bucket List Item Information

Get a Dog

Completed on 01/26/2011

"And what a cute doggy he is!"

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Story And Details
We have been trying to adopt a dog for months with no success. We finally gave in and got a dog from Wales. His name was Mitts and he is a 2 1/2 year old Collie Cross. We have at two other family dogs before (Angus and Maggie) but I have never had my own. Since Mitts was my first, I have renamed him ''Tahi'' which means one in Maori, or ''my first.'' I thought it had a nice ring to it. I wanted a Border Collie so when I move home, I'll get one to keep Tahi company. I would also like a Yorkie, a Golden Retriever, a Sherpei and a Dalmation.

Tahi likes long walks, playing with his toys and the stairs and sleeping in my bedroom. Unfortunately he also likes climbing all over me when he thinks its time to get up, which drives me crazy. I think I'm going to shift him into the hallway at night so I can keep my sanity.



added on 01/31/11 07:18 am

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added on 01/31/11 07:18 am

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He likes snuggling up to you everywhere, which can be annoying if you're trying to read the paper or surf the net. We laughed the other day because he kept pressing random keys on the computer and annoyed my dad who was trying to use it. He ended up having a bit of a chuckle too.
added on 01/31/11 07:18 am

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Dog outfits at Harrods. Very cute, but very expensive. I would have liked to have got Tahi one, but they cost too much, and only really fit a small dog.
added on 01/31/11 07:18 am

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Tahi with his friend Ruby, a dog he was fostered with.
added on 01/31/11 07:17 am

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On his walk with Ruby, he would often run ahead than sit in the grass waiting for her to catch up, then run away as soon as she got close. Aww!
added on 01/31/11 07:17 am

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added on 01/31/11 07:17 am

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added on 01/31/11 07:17 am

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added on 01/31/11 07:17 am

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My mum just loves his ears. I like them better when they sit flat against his head.
added on 01/31/11 07:16 am

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added on 01/31/11 07:16 am

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