Kham Inthammavong

Kham Inthammavong


About Kham:
New look on life, more fun and less work.

Mission Statement:
Some way some how I want to be a part of making a positive difference in everyone's life.

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Bucket List Item Information

Donate to a charity

"Need to do this more."

Completed on 06/07/2010

"Very simple but something. I donated my old cell phone to help fight domestic violence. Hoping to donate more in the future."

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Story And Details
1/26/2011 - Donated some money for a wheelchair basketball team. Received a coupon book in return.

1/17/2011 - Donated about 7 coats and jackets to help out some people during this cold winter.

4/07/2011 - Donated $20.00 to Christina Young to help her daughter.



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Who Else Has This On Their Bucket List


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Susan Bradley

"Better than doing nothing" - over a year ago