Kari Garcia

Kari Garcia


About Kari:
Trying not to write something pretentious or depressing. I'm just another student to the world. Just another lost soul. oops, but aren't we all anyw ...read more

Mission Statement:
My reason for living? love.

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Bucket List Item Information

Live a secret life

"I want to explore urges I'm too afraid to act on normally."

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Story And Details

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Truly save someone's life  -  08/26/10 (Stephanie Brennan)

See Jimmy Fallon live (to do)  -  11/22/11 (Susan F)

Live in at least five different countries outside Ireland - (2) people

Save a life - (56) people

Go see John Mayer live  -  07/11/10 (Dan Flynn)

Investigate Real Life X-Files  -  05/23/11 (shelton clark jr)

Live in Korea  -  05/29/10 (Lea Pacis)


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