Kari Garcia

Kari Garcia


About Kari:
Trying not to write something pretentious or depressing. I'm just another student to the world. Just another lost soul. oops, but aren't we all anyw ...read more

Mission Statement:
My reason for living? love.

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Bucket List Item Information

Participate in No Shave November

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Story And Details

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Who Witnessed This Event/Item

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Who Else Has This On Their Bucket List

Johnny Gonzales

I feel like I'd end up very patchy!



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Participate in OperationBeautiful.com by leaving 1 post-it a day for a month  -  07/17/12 (Tami K.)

Participate in Songkran, The world’s biggest water fight during Thailand’s New Year's Festivities  -  05/17/12 (David Roush)

Shave part of my head  -  10/29/13 (Jannelly Figueroa)

Participate in a Police line up - (2) people

✔Participate in a big relay/obsticle course/mud run ect. race  -  03/27/13 (Ashley D.)

Participate in the world's largest water gun fight, the Songkram Festival (Songkram, Thailand)  -  11/05/13 (Susan F)

Participate in the City 2 Surf  -  01/03/12 (Emma Britton)


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