Kari Garcia

Kari Garcia


About Kari:
Trying not to write something pretentious or depressing. I'm just another student to the world. Just another lost soul. oops, but aren't we all anyw ...read more

Mission Statement:
My reason for living? love.

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Bucket List Item Information

Meet Sarah Silverman

"SHE'S MY SISTER FROM ANOTHER MISTER!! but jewish and funnier. "

Completed on 07/02/2009

"Not the real date, but it was awesome. My dad got tickets for a show with her and her friends. She really didn't come prepared and that was disappointing, BUT!!!! The did a meet and greet after the show I kind of followed her around. :) I asked for a hug anxiously and she nervously looked over my dad. He then said "If you don't she may follow you home!" At that moment I got the most amazing hug ever :D I wish I had pictures!"

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