Janell Brockaway

Janell Brockaway


About Janell:
Once I got Trespassed from our local D.I. (Thrift Store) and thrown in Jail. I was new to town and had no furniture in my house to sit on. So after mo ...read more

Mission Statement:
Lighten Up! Live life more Simply. Love Unconditionally.

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Bucket List Item Information

Go without TV for a week

"7 days without TV makes one week."

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Story And Details
Sad Day, Charlie got canceled today. Now we can do our week without TV. Who's In???


No TV - One Week
added on 02/25/11 08:24 am

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TV Shows of the 60's


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Janell Brockaway

"Think I'll try this when all the new pilots are over!" - over a year ago