Catalina Tang
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About Catalina:
I'm on the pursuit of happiness and I know everything that shine ain't always gonna be gold. I'll be fine once I get it, I'll be good
hmm well wha more
Mission Statement:
lets not just say "I want to do it" lets actually "Do it!"
Go on a random unplanned road trip
No story or details.
No photos.
Similiar Bucket List Ideas
Scribe a random message on a piece of cloth, put it in a bottle and hide it on a beach in the sand - 04/12/12 (Selena Atlantis)
✔Send A Letter to a Random address and see if the write back - 05/24/13 (Lance Garbutt)
✔Trip to halifax to MEC - 04/16/11 (Pamela Guillaume)
Hug a Random Soldier and say Thank You - 10/10/11 (Kari Sinning)
Write a letter & send it, snail-mail style, to a random address in a foreign country - 06/20/12 (Grace Hileman)
Mountain Bike Down Death Road In Bolivia - 02/08/14 (Lance Garbutt)
Go on a Zero-G trip - 05/23/11 (shelton clark jr)
take a spontaneous road trip - (2) people
Lead a missions trip to Vietnam - 12/05/10 (Brittany Ghabrial)
go on a humanitarian trip to Africa - 02/19/13 (Cassandra Bielecki)