Michelle Anne

Michelle Anne


About Michelle:
I'm an extrovert, passionate, adventurous, dreamer, thinker, proactive, listener, friendly, approachable, happy, sad, faithful, playful, loyal, honest ...read more

Mission Statement:
My mission statement in life is to always respect people around you. My purpose is to help others bring out the best in them :). Because when I do a ...read more

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Bucket List Item Information

93. Learn clay pottery

"So much fun!! So glad I did this! unleash that creative side of you and express yourself"

Completed on 09/15/2014

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added on 11/28/14 10:52 am

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added on 11/28/14 10:52 am

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added on 11/28/14 10:52 am

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added on 11/28/14 10:52 am

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added on 11/28/14 10:51 am

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