Michelle Hudson

Michelle Hudson


About Michelle:
I love hanging out and going to the beach and surfing even though I'm pretty bad at it. I have had a bucket list since 2005. I'm slowly crossing thing ...read more

Mission Statement:
One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching.

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Bucket List Item Information

Get My Life In Shape

"Declutter, cut out bad friends, drop poor relationships. Quit doing the things I hate, break bad habits. In short, get my life in shape. "

Completed on 07/26/2014

"I finally feel like I have got my life back in order. I know what I want to do with my life and I have started towards that goal. I have realized that I need to make myself happy first not just make everyone else happy while I'm miserable. I have a plan which is going to take a while but I'm happy to do it because at the end it will be awesome."

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