Alex R
About Alex:
I see this list as list of the things I want to do, and I have included some things that I have already done just so it's more positive and refelects more
Mission Statement:
Do the things I want to do, with the people closest to me whilst I'm still on the planet to do this stuff!
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Similiar Bucket List Ideas
Read all of the vampire academy series - 08/26/19 (Megan Nicole)
read Alas, Babylon - 07/13/11 (Mae Babcock)
Read only Romanticism literature for a month - 08/26/19 (Megan Nicole)
Read "The Stranger" Albert Camus - 05/16/10 (Carol Sugden)
Read the ''Message'' Bible - 07/18/11 (Stephanie G)
Own all the books of the Chronicles of Narnia - 01/24/13 (Johnny Gonzales)
Read "The Remembrance of Things Past" by Proust - 06/01/11 (Eric Wilinski)
Spend a month reading only books with less than 200 pages - 08/26/19 (Megan Nicole)
Read the Complete Works of: Poe - 04/06/14 (Steve Morris)
Read "Nostromo" Joseph Conrad - 05/16/10 (Carol Sugden)