Klo Bowden

Klo Bowden


About Klo:

Mission Statement:
By writing this list, I'm not mourning the fact that I'm going to die. I'm just celebrating that I refuse not to live.

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Bucket List Item Information

#8 Take someone homeless to dinner

"I need to develop the skill of starting a conversation with someone I don't know..."

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visit a homeless shelter  -  10/18/10 (morgan mayfield)

✔Give money to a Homeless person  -  08/02/14 (Esther Joy)

Dress as if I'm homeless, beg for money on the side of the road and then donate the money to a charity for the homeless  -  07/11/12 (Chowder Col)

Go to dinner theater  -  07/07/14 (Marsha Roberts)

Visit a Dinner Theatre  -  02/28/14 (Steve Morris)

Treat parents to a nice dinner  -  04/27/11 (Johanna O)

Medieval dinner  -  08/01/22 (Megan Beeching)

Have lunch with homeless person  -  06/07/11 (Alicia And Sierra)

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#41 Cook a full Christmas Dinner - (2) people


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