Phil Gwoke

About Phil:
The thing I like most about myself is that there is so much room for improvement
Mission Statement:
If actions speak louder than words, then shut up and some say something.
Launch Auto-Tat & Teardrops
No story or details.
No photos.
Similiar Bucket List Ideas
Launch a sky lantern - 07/10/12 (Chowder Col)
✔Watch a launch of the space shuttle - 05/28/10 (Johnny 5)
✔Launch a Pop Bottle Rocket - 05/21/17 (Steve Morris)
Launch my own blog/website - 08/18/17 (Katrina Marchant)
See a Ship Launch - 03/29/14 (Steve Morris)
Qualify NYC Marathon auto-entry with a 2:55 - 06/10/12 (James Brennan)
See the launch of a space shuttle - 06/03/12 (Rebecca Orbegoso)
✔see a shuttle launch - 07/12/11 (Mae Babcock)
Watch Space Shuttle Launch - 09/16/11 (Corinne ~)
See a space shuttle launch - 08/03/14 (Esther Joy)