Phil Gwoke
About Phil:
The thing I like most about myself is that there is so much room for improvement
Mission Statement:
If actions speak louder than words, then shut up and some say something.
Ring in the new year in a different country
No story or details.
No photos.
Similiar Bucket List Ideas
Ring of Kerry - Ireland - 05/15/13 (Lance Garbutt)
Blog for one year, everyday - (3) people
Bring in the new year in Times Square - (2) people
Take a photo of the Sunset everyday for a year - 07/18/14 (Lance Garbutt)
Travel to a European country - 12/01/10 (Geoffry Govertsen)
Tour a country on motorbike - 01/02/11 (Nina Simone)
Work at Halloween Hooror Nights one year - 01/13/15 (Brooke Sheppard)
✔Have a relationship that lasts successfully for at least a year - 05/23/12 (Caroline Kulikowski)
Spend at least one year on a sailboat sailing to somewhere tropical - (2) people
Margam Country Park - 04/03/13 (Lance Garbutt)