Neal Bailey

Neal Bailey


About Neal:
God I hate this question. Well I was a workaholic about 2.5 years ago. Luckily I realised that life is to short and at the same time met a fun lovin more

Mission Statement:
To complete my Bucket List

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Bucket List Item Information

join the Mile High Club

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Story And Details

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Who Witnessed This Event/Item

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Join a Curling League  -  06/30/10 (Rachel Storey)

Join Leontien Ladies Ride  -  08/07/12 (Renée )

Mile High Swinging Bridge (Grandfather Mountain, North Carolina)  -  02/21/15 (Susan F)

Visit a Jazz Club in New Orleans' French Quarter  -  02/28/14 (Steve Morris)

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Go to a jazz club in New Orleans' French Quarter  -  12/27/11 (Emmy Vaughn)


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