Katie Cramatte

Katie Cramatte


About Katie:
I try to be adventurous and make the most of my life while I'm still young.

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Bucket List Item Information

Shop in New York

"For fun(:"

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Go to a Traditional Sweet Shop  -  08/10/10 (Nicholas Todd)

Summer in the Hamptons (The Hamptons, New York)  -  01/01/16 (Susan F)

Spend my birthday (4th of July) in New York  -  07/14/10 (Sara KA)

Drink a Manhatten Cocktail in Manhatten (Manhatten, New York)  -  07/11/11 (Susan F)

Ride a subway in New York  -  06/09/12 (Katie Cramatte)

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New York  -  07/08/14 (Marsha Roberts)

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