Janel Metcalf

Janel Metcalf


About Janel:
Midway through 2013 and I need to be more open to my bucket list and my dreams that bring me joy. Time to cross some things off in 2013!

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Bucket List Item Information

Climb a mountain

Completed on 01/11/2011

"Hiking -Mt. Rainier - reached 11,300 feet (not the summit, but definitely a Climb! July 2011 Mt. St Helens - going up August 2013"

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Who Else Has This On Their Bucket List

Jason Eustice

my sister and I hiked Frozen Head Mountain in Wartburg Tenne ...more

Victoria Clarke

With parents and brother. Getting to the top was exhausting ...more

Annaleisa Delacour

Stand on top of the world.


Climbed several mountains while I was in AK for 10 weeks, th ...more


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