Bucket List Item Information

Check off every skill on Esquire's 75 skills every man should master

"1. Give advice that matters in one sentence 2. Tell if someone is lying 3. Take a photo 4. Score a baseball game 5. Name a book that matters 6. Know at least one band as well as possible 7. Cook meat somewhere other than the grill 8. Not monopolize the conversation 9. Write a letter 10. Buy a suit 11. Know 3 different swimming strokes 12. Show respect without being a suck-up 13. Throw a punch 14. Chop down a tree 15. Calculate square footage 16. Tie a bow tie - DONE 17. Make one drink, in large batches, very well 18. Speak a foreign language - DONE 19. Approach a woman out of his league 20. Sew a button 21. Argue with a European without getting xenophobic or insulting soccer 22. Give a woman an orgasm so that he doesn't have to ask after it 23. Be loyal 24. Know his poison, without standing there pondering like a dope 25. Drive an eightpenny nail into a treated two-by-four without thinking about it - DONE 26. Cast a fishing rod without shrieking or sighing or otherwise admitting defeat - DONE 27. Play gin with an old guy 28. Play go fish with a kid - DONE 29. Understand quantum physics well enough that he can accept that a quarter might, at some point, pass straight through the table when dropped 30. Feign interest 31. Make a bed - DONE 32. Describe a glass of wine in one sentence without using the terms nutty, fruity, oaky, finish, or kick. 33. Hit a jump shot in pool - DONE 34. Dress a wound - DONE 35. Jump-start a car (without any drama), change a flat tire (safely), change the oil (once) - DONE 36. Make three different bets at a craps table 37. Shuffle a deck of cards - DONE 38. Tell a joke - DONE 39. Know when to split his cards in blackjack 40. Speak to an eight-year-old so he'll listen 41. Speak to a waiter so he'll hear 42. Talk to a dog so it will hear - DONE 43. Install: a disposal, an electronic thermostat, or a lighting fixture without asking for help 44. Ask for help 45. Break another man's grip on his wrist 46. Tell a woman's dress size 47. Recite a poem from memory - DONE 48. Remove a stain 49. Say no - DONE 50. Fry an egg sunny-side up - DONE 51. Build a campfire. The right way - DONE 52. STEP into a job no one wants to do 53. Sometimes, kick some ass 54. Break up a fight 55. Point north at any time 56. Create a playlist in which ten seemingly random songs create a secret message for someone 57. Explain what a lightyear is 58. Avoid boredom 59. Write a thank you note - DONE 60. Be brand-loyal to at least one product 61. Cook bacon - DONE 62. Hold a baby 63. Deliver a eulogy 64. Know that Christopher Columbus was a son-of-a-bitch 65. Throw a baseball over-hand with some snap 66. Throw a tight spiral with a football 67. Shoot a 12-foot jump shot reliably 68. Find his way out of the woods if lost 69. Tie a knot - DONE 70. Shake hands - DONE 71. Iron a shirt - DONE 72. Stock an emergency bag for the car - DONE 73. Caress a woman's neck 74. Know some birds 75. Negotiate a better price http://www.esquire.com/features/essential-skills-0508"

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