Jannelly Figueroa

Jannelly Figueroa


About Jannelly:
Passionate for learning other languages; thrill seeker; I love a good book; I like traveling and exploring different cultures; future CEO.

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Bucket List Item Information

Swim in the seas

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Swim in the: Gulf St. Vincent  -  03/30/14 (Steve Morris)

Swim With Great White Shark  -  09/28/11 (Michael Moro)

Swim in the seas: Denmark Strait  -  08/11/10 (Nicholas Todd)

Swim in the: Pyramid Lake  -  03/30/14 (Steve Morris)

Swim in the: Lake Superior  -  03/30/14 (Steve Morris)

✔Learn to swim underwater without holding my nose (to do)  -  07/14/11 (Susan F)

Swim 1 Mile - Non stop  -  03/30/14 (Steve Morris)

Swim in the: Great Australian Bight  -  03/30/14 (Steve Morris)

Swim the English Channel - (3) people


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