Nicholas Todd

Nicholas Todd


About Nicholas:
I was the creator of a slightly different list back in 2008. Since then the list has spiralled almost out of control but the group I created it with h more

Mission Statement:
With a group of friends I set up a collective bucket list in 2008. We all added the things we wanted to do and whilst with a bit of a competitive edge more

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Bucket List Item Information

Bungee jump

Completed on 08/17/2010

"I've actually done 2 of these now. This is the date of my second."

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Story And Details
Having always wanted to do a bungee jump I figured I'd finally pluck up the courage and sign myself up for one. The date got closer and closer and to be honest I didn't feel even slightly nervous. The day arrived and I set off on my own down to Chepstow to take part in the event. As I got closer I began to wonder how I'd be able to find the venue. It suddenly became apparently obvious... the huge crane sticking out above the trees.
Being me, I couldn't have just gone for the small jump... I went for the UK's highest at 400ft. They basically winch you up 300ft in the air before swinging the crane out over a 100ft cliff. Strangely I still wasn't nervous. I watched as people disappeared and reappeared like yo-yo's over the cliff but still nothing. I was weighed and strapped up and sat there chatting to a few people who were getting progressively nervous... and then it happened... the first none jumper of the day... 1 in front of me. I told the nervous man sat next to me he couldn't back out now as he had to start the ball rolling again. He took on the challenge and leapt with all his might.
Next up was me... the very none nervous me... until we hit about 200ft. Then all of a sudden the stupidity of what I was doing became very real. The lads from the bungee company joked and laughed with me but I wasn't convinced at all. I even asked... "if I don't jump... can you push me", the answer of course was "yeah". So now I'm stood with toes dangling over the edge of the cage, looking straight out in front of me, and there's the call... 3, 2, (now on 2 there was no possibility I was jumping, I just wasn't doing it) 1... on 1 however I leapt with every ounce of strength I had away from the cage. I can only describe this moment as the Wile E. Coyote moment. I'm now frozen in mid air thinking "what the hell happened there?!" then I drop.
It was amazing! The best bit was that moment between 2 and 1 when my mind just changed, and the courage to do it just came through. I loved every second of it.
So I booked another...
This one was smaller (but cheaper)... and I really recommend getting a full nights sleep and not staying up until 5am drinking... hangovers and bungee jumps don't mix. This wasn't an enjoyable experience and was more of a bungee fall than a jump. But somehow I managed to do it none the less!
Basically if you've always wanted to do it... go for it and go big!


My first bungee (400ft)
added on 08/10/10 10:10 am

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