Kara Willis
About Kara:
I have lived in 6 states, but still have not experienced very much excitement in the world. Have raised 6 beautiful children. I am 64 years old and st ...read more
Mission Statement:
Many struggles along the way since 2013. I created my bucket list i think in 2012 right before my husband passed away unexpectedly. I never give up, n ...read more
No story or details.
No photos.
Similiar Bucket List Ideas
Buy a Painting From an Aspiring Painter - 01/28/14 (Steve Morris)
✔X-Men First Class (2011) - 08/21/11 (Movie Bucket)
Try out body painting :) - 05/31/11 (Cathleen Perez)
✔Painting with Bubbles on a Canvas - 12/28/15 (Lance Garbutt)
Attend a class reunion in a costume - 01/24/11 (eRic Bekhard)
See A Van Gogh Painting - 09/28/13 (Lance Garbutt)
Attend a world class soccer game - 07/30/11 (Elvis Rye)
Travel first class - 08/22/12 (Johnny Gonzales)
366. Go to a Zumba Class - 03/18/11 (Emma McD)
Photography Class - 04/24/12 (Melissa Stoltz)