Megan Nicole

Megan Nicole


Mission Statement:
I want to live life to the fullest, and experience as many things as possible. I want to be the one person who always has an interesting story to tell more

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Bucket List Item Information

Make love in an elevator

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Story And Details

No story or details.



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Similiar Bucket List Ideas

Make a "In Memory of" garden/area  -  09/28/10 (Carol Smith)

✔6/365 - Make a Video CV  -  03/21/12 (Beke (eRic) Richárd)

Make 1000 paper cranes and given them to my love - (2) people

Have sex in an elevator - (2) people

Make pop up card  -  09/25/20 (Megan Nicole)

Forty-Love  -  10/26/14 (Lance Garbutt)

Make a Puffy Paint Picture  -  12/29/15 (Lance Garbutt)

Make a casting of a wolf print - (2) people

Make the best christmas for the whole family  -  06/14/11 (Emily Rose Addams)

Make a bid at a live auction - (2) people


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