Megan Nicole

Megan Nicole


Mission Statement:
I want to live life to the fullest, and experience as many things as possible. I want to be the one person who always has an interesting story to tell more

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Bucket List Item Information

Make love in the rain

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Story And Details

No story or details.



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Who Witnessed This Event/Item

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Who Else Has This On Their Bucket List

Angelo Rivera

Cause I'm romantic ;-)



Similiar Bucket List Ideas

Make Ginger Bread Man  -  03/23/14 (Steve Morris)

Dance in the Rain while Singing 'I'M Singing In the Rain'  -  01/30/14 (Steve Morris)

Make someone beg (on their knees style)  -  07/08/10 (Diana Giraldo)

✔Marry the Love of My Life...You know who you are  -  12/10/17 (Len Murtha)

Make a difference in the Fight Against Breast Cancer  -  06/17/10 (Nichole Klebba)

Make a William Tell shot  -  08/15/12 (Johnny Gonzales)

✔Make a snowman with your kids  -  08/02/14 (Esther Joy)

Make the switch from vegetarian to vegan, once and for all  -  08/20/10 (Shiloh Williams)

Host a neiborhood "block Party" and make it a tradition  -  08/14/11 (Jessica wallis)

make aioli from scratch  -  07/22/10 (Pip Stoneham)


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