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Detroit Tigers Cabrera charged with DUI in Florida

created on 02/17/2011 10:04 am

Detroit Tigers slugger Miguel Cabrera was arrested late Wednesday on drunken driving charges in Florida, police said, the latest episode for the first baseman who has struggled with a drinking problem.

Cabrera, 27, was spotted by a deputy in a car that's engine was smoking alongside a road in Fort Pierce. Inside the vehicle, Cabrera smelled of alcohol, had slurred speech and took a swig from a bottle of scotch in front of a deputy, according to St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office sa ...read more
939 0 None
Manny versus Floyd Mayweather

created on 11/14/2010 10:26 am

Is this fight ever going to happen, or will Floyd keep on running and coming up with excuses not to fight.
939 0 None
NBA is getting lame.

created on 10/29/2010 08:39 am

The NBA is just getting ridiculous. There are only like 3 teams each year that have a chance to win it all. Plus, all these fouls that some of the stars get make it impossible for anybody else to win. Just saying....
948 0 None
NFL's hard hit rules will ruin the game

created on 10/22/2010 11:26 pm

Does anybody else think the hard hit rules in the NFL are just ridiculous. What's next? flag football or even two hand touch?
1571 0 None
Which golf tournament, US Open or The Masters

created on 08/06/2010 02:12 am

If you had the choice between these 2 events, which one would you choose?

And why?
1113 1 11/26/20
12:47 pm
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