Vicki Edmunds

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About Vicki:
I am a children's entertainer. I have four children and four grand children. I like to metal detect and travel. I started a website www.eatwithaloc more
Mission Statement:
To go metal detecting and find a hoard of treasure. Make more famous than facebook! Write a funny show and perform it at the E more
Vicki's Journal Blog
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Cooking for a family from New Zealand
Hosting a family from New Zealand in my kitchen in Wales, UK.
Source: eating with a local
Hosting a family from New Zealand in Wales
Discovering a new way of meeting people.
When I started the website two years ago I could never have imagined that it would introduce me to such interesting people. I was recently contacted by Vanessa and Paul and little baby Isabella. They were on a tour of Europe from New Zeland and asked if I could host them to a meal in my home in Wales. I was delighted. When they arrived they told me that they had broken down in the Baltic Sea and had had to survive on sandwiches for 48 hours. They were worn out. I cooked them a tasty meal and following the meal I took them to see a local castle, they were thrilled to bits as I waved them off on the next part of their adventure.
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