Autie Barnes

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About Autie:
I'm Autie but I have so many nicknames it's unreal, you can give me one too if you'd like(;.
I'm from a small town, and I have big dreams.
My life i more
Mission Statement:
Your heart should be so lost in God, that a man must seek him first in order to find you(:<3.
"Thanks <3 She had AML So I'm happy she not suffering anymore. It's a very severe case of Leukemic cancer. Now she can have her hair back in heaven. :) I miss her thoughh.. " - over a year ago
"ahahahhahhaa omg. That's hilarious. :D In my friends sleep before she passed away she use to say "HOLY NUTSACK!" Hehe, that made me giggle. :)" - over a year ago
"Hahah, aww :) Well it was kind of weird because I had a dream last night that I was going into being a sophmore. But there were these weird alien things there. o.O lol." - over a year ago
"Crapppp, I didn't mean to do that. ahhaha. Sorrrry. & yesss, I am freshmeatt. :)" - over a year ago
"Oh, ahhaa. I thought you sounded like your 17 or 18. Haaa. & oh. That's awesome. :)" - over a year ago
"What's a youth minister? & awesome! :) I love photography. Just the way it takes my breath away when I see something gorgeous. & lucky. I'm only 14. :( haha." - over a year ago
"Awww thank you gurl! :) I hope we do become good friends too. :D & I'm becoming a photographer & a teacher when I get older. Thank you so much. :)" - over a year ago
"That is good. :)" - over a year ago