Resolutions for the New YearSo what are your plans and goals. created on 12/20/2010 10:08 am by Kham Inthammavong |
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Start training for a triathlon
01/16/2011 09:11 pm |
Finish the "101 in 1001" challenge.
Be able to check off at least two bucket list items. 01/08/2011 07:48 pm
It's a challenge to do 101 things in 1001 days. For instance, "Organize the garage" would be pretty good if your garage is like mine and looks like an oversized junk drawer. XP
Their website is currently down (Insert tears here.), but the url is ^.^ 01/14/2011 02:38 am |
Top Business Resolutions for 2011:
3 Profitable companies Obtain funding for expansion Hire at least one employee Top personal resolutions for 2011: get to and maintain a weight of 175 lbs 6 hours of sleep per night drink less alcohol make the time with my wife and kids more meaningful Be a better leader and teacher for my family Read the entire Bible Have devotions with my wife at least once per week Eat dinner together as a family at home at least 3 times per week. 01/01/2011 09:05 am |
My friend recently introduced me to the idea of having a Word of the Year, rather than a single resolution. I like this idea, as I have my bucket list with both fun and meaningful items I want to accomplish in my lifetime. Some I will do this year. A single word to focus on could inspire me in multiple areas or with decisions I may face in 2011. I'm considering 'Adventure' or 'Transformation' for my word this year and I'll keep it front and center as I go into the year. Thanks for sharing, and I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year!
12/31/2010 09:40 am
I think that this is an amazing idea! I have decided that my word will be "FEEL".
12/31/2010 01:22 pm
i love this idea. i think my word of the year is going to be "indulgence"
01/12/2011 11:42 pm
I hope the first few weeks of January have been great for all of you! I did decide on "Transform" - and I've found so many areas to do this - both big and small already. I keep the word posted as a reminder and inspiration.
01/14/2011 12:44 pm
I would like my word of the year to be "Inspire", but so far this year I've been living the word "Clumsy" I've already managed to trip down the last step of the stairs, run into a glass slidding door and run my knee into a coffee table.
01/03/2012 09:43 pm |
Well like every other person who's posted, I would like to get my lifestyle on a more healthier track with a better eating habit and regular exercise so that I'll look way better in a bikini than I would if I wore it this year. That way there's no need to stress when summer of 2011 unexpectedly comes around.
Also I want to really try in school in 2011 since its my final year. I don't believe that 2011 is my year, I would tell yu why but its way too long of a reason, but I do believe that 2012 will be my special year so last but not least make the most of it. 12/29/2010 07:03 am |
A healthier lifestyle...i will never get 8 hours of sleep at night but I need to make time to excersize and eat better to offset all the time I spend in my office chair. Further, I need to set a better example of this for my kids.
12/21/2010 09:33 pm |
2011 - Two goals I want to hit this year - learn to cook beyond my basic skill set, with two little boys now I want to set them up with a healthy view of food from the start of their lives. And the second is go on a second honeymoon with my hubby. He works so hard and a great husband and Dad so he needs some time to relax. Happy 2011 and fingers crossed for everyone :)
12/20/2010 10:42 pm |
To make the most of the experiences that come my way and to seek after that which makes life worth living. Laugh a lot more. Try to meet someone who wants to walk beside me and grow old together. Hoping for a completely different year than 2010!
12/20/2010 06:54 pm |
2011 - this year will be more about me for a change. I want to do a small property renovation, travel to Northern America (mostly LA and New York) for at least 4 weeks and accomplish at least 6 of my bucket list. 2011 will be a big year and I'm looking forward to it. Happy new Year everyone, love life.
12/20/2010 06:40 pm |
I am gonna TOTALLY focus! Lose 30 lbs by Dec. Doing so thru daily workouts! As I get older I tend to forget to take time out for "me". And I think my belt is too tight cuz gravity is settling at the belt! LOL. Totally getting regenerized to bring in 2011! My how time flies!! Happy Holidays and GOOD LUCK to everyone!!
12/20/2010 06:17 pm
2011 I will not ring in sick for work when I'm not really sick for the whole year.
12/20/2010 05:23 pm
2011 is the year I get in shape professionally and physically. Step 1: stop eating so much sugar (Sour PAtch Kids) and drinking so much beer (basically more sugar) and work out regularly. Step 2: Get more energy from step 1 to invest in my professional goals.
12/20/2010 01:43 pm |
2011 will be my year to advance. I want to move up in my career and will be making any advancements possible! Also, losing 20 lbs! :)
12/20/2010 12:44 pm |
2011 - This is the year I'm going to make myself focus. I've got too many sticks in the fire most of the time, and it's easy to get distracted.
12/20/2010 11:23 am
Hi guys!
In the past year and a half I have only just started to wake up to the life I want to live! That is why this bucket share is so very important to me. I stopped a little bit at a time the behaviors that were literally killing me; emotionally, physically and spiritually. Although I know i have miles and miles to go, I need to also allow my self to feel good about the progress I have made and feel great about how much I have accomplished. Thank you for sharing so openly and honestly, because I know just how hard that is. Best wises to everyone and their goals! Congrats for making it this far. 12/20/2010 11:08 am
Keep up the good work Pam, looks like you headed in the right direction.
12/20/2010 11:35 am |
Mine is first of all to continue with school. I should have my associates degree by the end of 2011 and transferring beginning of 2012.
I want to continue learning Spanish. It's by far my favorite class and I'm loving the language. I'm strongly considering continuing to a Masters degree in Spanish after I get my two Bachelors degrees (Sociology and Spanish - that's what I'm working toward at least) And then of course there's the weight loss. It's been my goal for years, but I've learned so much about myself (at least some of the reasons for emotional eating and why I jeopardize myself) and I'm much stronger than I have been in years. I feel really confident that 2011 is going to be a great year for me :) 12/20/2010 10:49 am |
Make sure to post on my journal blog and share a photo everyday.
12/20/2010 10:40 am |
I'm already working towards my goal of 48 consecutive hours of eating completely raw foods for my meals in 2011 and meditating every day until the end of 2010. I made 24 hours this month already. I'm also committed to keeping up my brutally honest blog that I started about my emotional eating/eventual weightloss journey and learning to apply more often what I know about Law of Attraction to my life. Any support is welcome, it's not a pretty journey, but progress is being made. Maybe I will even help someone else as I share my most vulnerable moments.
12/20/2010 10:27 am
I've started reading your blog, it's wonderful, keep up the good work! I struggle with weight too and it's definitely on my list of resolutions, like it has been for years. The difference is I've learned a lot about myself and I think I'm stronger than I've been in years. Definitely keep up the blog, as you said in one of your entries, your struggles can help others going through the same thing!
12/20/2010 10:44 am
Thank you from the bottom of my heart Shiloh. I am sitting here in tears of gratitude to know that someone else has read what I've been sharing. It is very scary to put that much in public view, especially since it is most often one step forward and sometimes many steps back. It completely goes against how I was raised to only show the "nice" stuff and keep the rest for private. Thank you so very very much for your kindness.
12/20/2010 10:55 am
I'm very sincerely feel you should keep at it. I struggle too and I think we all need to know that we're not alone in it. Seeing that you worked through your craving, which can be like fighting a grizzly bear with your bare hands, gives me hope and reminds me that we are stronger than our cravings. We'll continue to fail sometimes, but of course, we're only human after all :)
12/20/2010 11:02 am
Shiloh, I send you love and gratitude. Isn't the internet just the best!! Wow. I am blessed.
12/20/2010 11:12 am |
Lose weight, about 10 lbs.
12/20/2010 10:09 am
I'm in the 100+ range, so I'm sending you love and support back for starting this.
12/20/2010 10:29 am |