2012 New Year ResolutionsWhat are you goals for 2012. created on 12/31/2011 07:35 pm by Kham Inthammavong |
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My goals for 2012 are:
-Get a new place to live -Record one song that I play on my guitar -Take a real vacation -Catch a foul ball at an Anaheim Angels game -Pay down my student loans -Take the VIP tour at Universal Studios -Swim with dolphins at Sea World 01/18/2012 03:20 pm |
- Graduate from college
- Go more places - Visit a foreign country - Take more chances - Cross five items off my pre-existing bucket list - Healthier body weight 01/11/2012 07:22 pm |
Learn Arabic and Spanish
Get back into Basketball Fall in love again Be Me 100% Get out of Utah 01/03/2012 10:24 pm |
Pray 5 times a day
Meal plan and Diet Log more consistently Exercise Daily Write a Novel Knock off Items on Bucket List 01/03/2012 02:52 am |
-More things crossed off my list
-Lose the weight -Learn to use my time better -Take time out for my husband and me 01/02/2012 04:46 pm |
-Grow freelance business
-Stress less about general health -Successfully use a cloth diaper system -Become more community involved 01/02/2012 02:24 pm |
01/02/2012 06:51 am |
-Lose 10 Pounds.
-Donate 10 inches of hair to Locks of Love. -Tell my family that I like girls. -Tell my crush I love her. 01/02/2012 01:42 am |
Get back to my Photography shooting ASAP, Continue paying off my debts, make new friends, give writing a try once again.
01/02/2012 01:20 am |
~Put together my modeling portfolio.
~Learn the Japanese language. ~Find fun ways to work out(rock climbing,zumba,kickboxing,ect) ~Master Meditation ~Keep a positive and adventurous lifestyle. 01/02/2012 12:34 am |
Run 5 miles per week
Support my wife more Do something special with my kids at least once per week Get better at time management Create a new budget 01/01/2012 08:11 pm |
- Be better at using sunscreen on the kids and myself whenever we're playing outside.
- Be happier, more positive, less whiny, less complaining. - Keep the house cleaner and more organized. - Make fitness, diet, and exercise an important part of EVERY day this year. 01/01/2012 01:14 pm |
Brush up on my Swedish and Thai language skills.
01/01/2012 07:33 am |
To make my website www.eatwithalocal.com bigger than facebook
01/01/2012 05:56 am |
To eat healthy and become more fit
01/01/2012 01:38 am |
* To lose 50 pounds at least
* To cross 5 things from my bucket list * To start writing again * To see how long I can go without ordering pizza! 12/31/2011 11:59 pm |
To lose 10 pounds
12/31/2011 09:54 pm |
Become fit and healthy and cross ten things off my bucket list.
12/31/2011 09:50 pm |
Take 1 photograph every day in 2012
Lose 10 lbs Visit Marshall Point Lighthouse, Point Clyde, Maine Return to Glacier National Park Exercise every day 12/31/2011 09:07 pm |
Get a Comptia Security+ Certification.
Move to another Country. Begin Learning the local language of that Country. Begin practicing Wing Chun Kung Fu. 12/31/2011 08:26 pm |
12/31/2011 08:02 pm |
Learn a new song on the guitar every week. Lose 20 pounds. Walk the dog more. Cut down on soda. 12/31/2011 07:36 pm |