What are you thankful for?The title says it all created on 01/03/2012 02:25 am by Matt Kod |
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I'm thankful for my friends, family and great music for which I could not live without.
01/06/2012 03:06 am |
I'm thankful for my friends, family, my health, my job, and my opportunities.
01/03/2012 01:50 pm |
Thankful for all the family and friends that surround me.
01/03/2012 09:38 am |
I am thankful for 3 health kids and a great wife. I am thankful to have a job that I enjoy doing.
01/03/2012 09:23 am |
I thank God. I thank life. I thank all the things in life that make it precious. The green trees, the deep oceans, the blue skys, and so much more. I'm thankful for my only child as he is the best thing that ever happened to me.
01/03/2012 02:28 am |
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